Where are the risks in an
EM snapback?
Where are the risks in an
EM snapback?
Where are the risks in an
EM snapback?
The Belt and Road Initiative:
Globalization, China Style
The Belt and Road Initiative:
Globalization, China Style

September 3
08:55 - 09:00
Opening Remarks
Mr. Kenji Teshima, Senior Managing Director of Nomura Holdings, Inc., Representative Director & CEO of Nomura Asia Pacific Holdings Co., Ltd, Head of China Committee
09:00 - 09:50
The Global Economic Outlook
Mr. Ting Lu, Chief China Economist, Nomura
Mr. Aichi Amemiya, Senior US Economist, Nomura (Virtual)
Dr. George Buckley, Chief European Economist, Nomura (Virtual)
Mr. Kohei Okazaki, Chief Market Economist, Japan, Nomura
Ms. Sonal Varma, Chief Asia ex-Japan Economist, Nomura
10:00 - 10:50
Keynote: China Economic and Equity Market Outlook
Dr. Ting Lu, Chief China Economist, Nomura
Dr. Haizhou Huang, External Member of Monetary Policy Committee, The People’s Bank of China, Co-Author of Money Capital
11:00 - 11:50
China FX and Fixed Income Outlook
Mr. Craig Chan, Head of Global FX Strategy, Nomura
Mr. Hoe Lon Leng, Global Head of FX Flow and EM Linear Rates Trading, Nomura
Mr. Albert Leung, Head of Asia ex-Japan Rates Strategy, Global Markets Research, Nomura
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch Keynote: China’s Property sector: When will it hit the bottom, and what will be the future?
Dr. Ting Lu, Chief China Economist, Nomura
Dr. Martin Ding, Chairman, CRIC China
13:10 - 14:00
Where does China stands in China+1
Mr. Arvind Shah, Head of AEJ Equity Sales, Nomura
Dr. Ting Gao, Head of Research and Chief of Strategy, Nomura Orient International Securities
Mr. Naka Matsuzawa, Chief Strategist, Nomura (Virtual)
Ms. Sonal Varma, Chief Asia ex-Japan Economist, Nomura
14:10 - 14:55
Temu merchant: How does Temu manage to grow despite controversies?
Mr. Jialong Shi, Head of China Internet Equity Research, Nomura
Temu Expert in Operations across both Domestic & Overseas Ecommerce platforms
15:00 - 15:50
China Semiconductor and Equipment Localization
Mr. Aaron Jeng, Head of Taiwan Equity Research & Technology - Semiconductors Research, Nomura
Mr. Donnie Teng, Analyst, Greater China Semiconductor & Technology Research, Nomura
Mr. Leslie Wu, CEO, Dalian Ronghe Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd
16:00 - 16:50
Artificial Intelligence: from Semiconductor, to Hardware and Software
Mr. Aaron Jeng, Head of Taiwan Research & Technology – Semiconductors Research, Nomura
Ms. Anne Lee, Analyst, Technology – Handset, EMS, Camera, and Components Research, Nomura
Mr. Donnie Teng, Analyst, Greater China Semiconductor & Technology Research, Nomura
Mr. Bing Duan, Analyst, China Telecom and Technology Research, Nomura
17:00 - 17:50
Will AI and Exports linked demand drive another Commodity Bull Cycle?
Ms. Yi Zhu, Asia Commodities and Industrial Equity Sales, Nomura
Mr. Richmond Chen, General Manager, iBlackmores Ltd.
Mr. Norman Ting, Managing Director, Top Resources Group
08:55 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:50
陆挺博士, 野村中国首席经济学家
雨宫爱知先生,野村美国高级经济学家 (线上)
George Buckley博士,野村欧洲首席经济学家 (线上)
Sonal Varma女士,野村亚洲及印度(除日本外)首席经济学家
10:00 - 10:50
主题演讲: 中国经济及资本市场展望
陆挺博士, 野村中国首席经济学家
黄海洲博士, 中国人民银行; 货币政策委员会外部专家委员, 合著 Money Capital
11:00 - 11:50
陈立伟先生, 野村外汇市场策略全球主管
林豪伦先生, 野村全球外汇和新兴市场利率交易主管
梁守纶先生, 野村亚洲(除日本外)利率策略部主管
12:00 - 13:00
主题演讲: 中国的房地产行业:何时触底,未来又将如何?
陆挺博士, 野村中国首席经济学家
丁祖昱博士, 克而瑞董事长
13:10 - 14:00
Arvind Shah先生, 野村亚洲(除日本外)股票研究销售主管
高挺博士, 野村东方国际证券研究部总经理、A股首席策略分析师
松澤中先生, 野村证券首席策略师 (线上)
Sonal Varma女士,野村亚洲及印度(除日本外)首席经济学家
14:10 - 14:55
史家龙先生, 野村中国互联网证券研究主管
15:00 - 15:50
郑明宗先生, 野村中国台湾地区证券研究部主管
滕喆安先生, 野村大中华区半导体及科技分析师
吴梓豪先生, 蓉和咨询首席执行官
16:00 - 16:50
郑明宗先生, 野村中国台湾地区证券研究部主管
李佳伶女士, 野村大中华区科技/手机硬件分析师
滕喆安先生, 野村大中华区半导体及科技分析师
段冰先生, 野村中国科技及电讯行业分析师
17:00 - 17:50
朱轶女士, 野村中国香港亚洲大宗商品和工业股票研究销售
陈文光先生, iBlackmores Ltd. 总经理
丁龙先生, Top Resources Group 董事总经理
This event is being jointly organized by Nomura International Hong Kong Ltd ("NIHK") and Nomura Orient International Securities Co Ltd ("NOI") for their respective clients and/or potential clients for their general information and education. NIHK which is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong SAR, and is not licensed to provide financial products and services in the PRC. This event does not constitute an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell financial products or services to you, nor does it intend to induce or solicit any sensitive information, important data or any other data that should not otherwise be provided by attendees without proper approvals. NIHK and NOI may invite representative of their affiliates or other third-party organizations to join as guest speaker but neither NIHK nor NOI have sought to independently verify the view and information that you may receive from such speaker or the institution he/she represents during the event and make no representations or warranties as to accuracy, completeness or reliability of such view and information. Neither NIHK nor NOI takes any responsibility for that information whatsoever. While this event is jointly hosted by NIHK and NOI, neither NIHK nor NOI is an agent of each other. As the cohosts of this event, NIHK and NOI will send event invitations to you. If you receive the invitation from any person other than the cohosts, please note that such person is not an agent of NIHK or NOI, and neither NIHK nor NOI takes responsibility for the behaviors or actions of such person. Please note that this event may be recorded. Where requested by a relevant listed issuer or to meet regulatory requirements, the recordings of such event, transcripts of the call, and/or other relevant materials may be provided to the local exchange or regulator or to the listed issuer and be published on the listed issuer’s website.
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